
PLIF investigation on effects of chamber aspect ratio on flow and mixing in cross-shaped mixers

  • 摘要: 在10 < Re < 500时,采用平面激光诱导荧光技术(PLIF)研究了4种腔室宽高比rr = 0.5、1.0、1.5和2.0)的十字型混合器内的流动与混合特征。结果表明:不同腔室宽高比的十字型混合器内均出现了分离流、稳态吞噬流、脉动流和非稳态吞噬流等4种流型。对于稳态吞噬流,r < 1.0的腔室内流场由3个共旋涡主导,而r ≥ 1.0的腔室内中心涡和卫星涡旋转方向相反。对于脉动流,在r > 1.0的腔室内,中心涡周期性收缩和扩张,且整个腔室内流体脉动,而在r = 0.5和1.0的腔室下游出现涡环脱落特征。对于非稳态吞噬流,r = 1.0的腔室内发生了旋涡合并和破碎现象,而r = 0.5的腔室内中心涡和一侧卫星涡发生周期性合并,未观察到涡破碎;对于r > 1.0的腔室,腔室内中心涡经历增长、变形和破碎过程。基于时间平均离析强度(IOS)对腔室内流体混合效果进行了量化,并揭示了混合机制。腔室宽高比的增大,促使吞噬流和脉动流的临界雷诺数显著降低,导致低雷诺数下腔室内流体混合强化。


    Abstract: Planar Laser-induced Fluorescence (PLIF) was used to study flow and mixing characteristics in cross-shaped mixers with four chamber aspect ratios r (r = 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0) at 10 < Re < 500. Results show that, there are four flow regimes in the mixers with different depths, including the segregated flow, steady engulfment flow, pulsation flow and unsteady engulfment flow. For the steady engulfment flow, the flow field is dominated by three co-rotating vortices for r < 1.0, but the center and satellite vortices rotate in opposite directions for r ≥ 1.0. For the pulsation flow, the center vortex shrinks and expands periodically, and the fluid oscillates throughout the chamber for r > 1.0. For r = 1.0 and 0.5, the shedding of vortex rings emerges downstream. For the unsteady engulfment flow, periodical vortex merging and breakup is observed for r = 1.0. For r = 0.5, vortex breakup is invisible, and instead, the center vortex merges with a satellite vortex periodically. For r > 1.0, the center vortex experiences growth, deformation, and breakup processes. Mixing in cross-shaped mixers was evaluated by the time-averaged Intensity of Segregation (IOS), and the mixing mechanism is revealed. An increase in chamber aspect ratios decreases the critical Reynolds number for the engulfment flow and pulsation flow, which causes the mixing enhancement in the chamber at low Re.


